背景 结核菌素试验(Tuberculin Skin Test,TST)目前仍然是诊断结核分枝杆菌感染的重要手段,但TST所用的试剂纯化蛋白衍生物(Purifi......
An Adaptive Multi-stage Phase Ⅰ Dose-finding Design Incorporating Longitudinal Continuous Toxicity a
Phase Ⅰ designs traditionally use the dose-limiting toxicity(DLT),a binary endpoint based on the first treatment cycle,......
Repeated Measures Dose-Finding Design with Time Trend Detection in the Presence of Correlated Toxici
Background: Phase trials are designed to determine the safety,tolerability and recommended phase 2 dose of therapeutic a......
Incorporating historical data in Bayesian phase Ⅰ trial design:Evaluating the similarity in dose-tox
In oncology area,following a phase Ⅰ dose-finding trial completed in a certain population of patients,further phase Ⅰ ......